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What scares one of football’s toughest linebackers?

By Sanford Health, 06/06/11, 9:01AM CDT


Concussion in youth sports...


Sports concussions are brain injuries and must be taken seriously to protect our kids and prevent long-term consequences.  Sanford Health has teamed up with Chad Greenway of the Minnesota Vikings to help create awareness of this dangerous injury across the region through TV, radio, print and online public service announcements.
Nearly four million reported sports-related concussions occur each year in the United States (CDC estimate), and the prevalence is growing. It is critical for athletes, parents and coaches to be educated about the dangers of concussions, prevention, and “Return to Play” guidelines.
Increasing concussion awareness is a significant step forward to providing the best opportunity for proper care of our young athletes.  Sanford Health appreciates your support to create awareness for this important public health initiative.