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SafeSport Training Program Released by USA Hockey

By Minnesota Hockey, 11/01/13, 7:15PM CDT


USA Hockey and Minnesota Hockey today announced the release of the SafeSport training program.  The training is designed to educate the employees and volunteers of each member association on how to help prevent abuse and misconduct, effectively monitor the organization, and respond to any concerns that do arise.

Making this online training/education available to our members is one of the most exciting aspects of the USA Hockey SafeSport Program as it provides the information needed to help prevent and stop abuse. The training was produced by the United States Olympic Committee, which has also helped to make the program available to our members at no cost.

We invite everyone involved in our member associations to participate in the training program. The material is extremely valuable and informative, and we ask your assistance in encouraging others to view the 16 short video segments and complete the training. All total, the program takes approximately 90 minutes, but does not need to be completed in one session.

It is the policy of USA Hockey and Minnesota Hockey that all participants who (1) have direct contact to or supervision over minor participants, (2) are responsible for enforcing child abuse and misconduct policies, (3) are in managerial or supervisory roles of a USA Hockey Member Program, and (4) are new and current employees and/or volunteers of a USA Hockey Member Program, shall complete appropriate training about child physical and sexual abuse and other types of misconduct before having contact with youth participants.

To prevent child abuse and misconduct, the training shall:

  • Provide definitions for, and effects of, all forms of abuse and misconduct
  • Identify risk opportunities for child abuse
  • Address common myths about offenders
  • Outline patterns, behaviors, and methods of operation of predators
  • Identify risk opportunities for abuse and misconduct in sport
  • Identify policies, practices, and procedures to recognize, reduce, and report misconduct

For step-by-step instructions on how to start the training, visit the SafeSport Training page on the Minnesota Hockey website.