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2011-2012 BYHA Board Members Elected

By BYHA Board, 04/20/11, 9:00PM CDT


The 2011-12 Hockey Season has started for some!  At the BYHA Annual meeting on 4-20-11, the membership attending the meeting have elected the following people to the BYHA Board of Directors.

BYHA Board of Directors for 2011-12
Ø Tracy Pogue                       President (2012)
Ø Kevin Waldhausen          Vice President (2013)
Ø Jana Norgaard                 Secretary (2013)
Ø Jill Andersen                       Treasurer (2012)
Ø Mike Gregg                        At Large (2012)
Ø Cassie Maish                      At Large (2014
Ø John Martens                    At Large (2014)

Please get involved during your time in BYHA.  Everyone needs to help in this huge undertaking.  If you have any interest in helping as an Age Group Rep, please contact a Board member today!